As the chill of winter sets in, many boat owners pack up their boats until springtime returns. However, for others, the excitement of cold weather boating is too hard to resist. There is something so serene about taking a boat out on a calm, frosty morning or spending a peaceful evening beneath starry skies. However, it’s essential to remember that boating during winter has its hazards, too. We’ve put together some tips to help you stay safe and make the most of your time on the water.

Check the Weather Forecast

One of the biggest hazards of cold weather boating is the unpredictability of the weather. Before heading out, you’ll want to check the forecast closely and stay up-to-date throughout your trip. Keep an eye on the wind, precipitation, and boat speed as you prioritize having a safe experience.

Dress in Layers

To keep yourself comfortable in the cold, you’ll want to wear warm clothes in layers. Dressing in layers allows you to regulate your body temperature as you move from colder air outside to warmer air inside the cabin. Wear an insulating base layer, a middle layer to trap heat, and an outer layer to protect against the elements, along with waterproof gloves and a hat.

Keep Your Boat Warm

The colder it is outside, the more important it is to keep your boat warm to prevent freezing. One way to do this is to keep the engine running to control the temperature inside the engine bay or bilge. You can also invest in a heater that can keep the engine warm even when it’s not in use.

We hope that these tips have been helpful. If you’re looking to buy a boat, visit Yankee Boating Center at one of our locations in Lake George or Diamond Point, NY, to browse our selection. Our team will be happy to help you get a vessel that’s perfect for your needs and budget.