Even the highest-quality boats can occasionally encounter issues. While some fixes may require a visit to a service department, there are many situations that boat owners can handle on their own. Below, you'll find a list of common boat troubleshooting scenarios that owners often face. For any questions or if you need assistance, head over to Yankee Boating Center's showroom in Lake George, NY.

The Outboard Acts Abnormally

The Issue: You're cruising in your boat when suddenly, your outboard starts vibrating heavily.

The Solution: It's likely that something, like seaweed or a stray fishing line, has become wrapped around the prop. Turn off the engine and remove the obstruction. Ensure that nothing has made its way past the prop and onto the shaft. Upon returning to the dock, inspect the prop seal for any damage by draining the lower unit fluid and checking for the presence of water.

Accumulation of Salt Deposits

The Issue: There are salt deposits building up near the spark plugs of your new outboard.

The Solution: This occurrence isn't uncommon in new engines that are still in the process of breaking in. Take your boat to a dealership, where they can re-torque the cylinder head bolts to the factory settings.

Inaudible Music

The Issue: You splurged on a boat equipped with a stereo, but the engine and wind noise overpower the music.

The Solution: Connect your boat's speakers to an external amplifier, which will provide crystal-clear sound while ensuring audibility.

Fogged-Up Cabin Windows

The Issue: Warm nights with the cabin's air conditioning running often result in fogged-up windows.

The Solution: Condensation arises due to temperature differences between the inside and outside of the boat cabin. Spray glass cleaner on the windows and use a damp rag to create a material film that can resist condensation.

Dock-Related Damage

The Issue: Although you've invested in fenders to protect your boat from hitting the dock, the marina where you store your boat uses a non-floating dock. This causes your fenders to pop out, resulting in damage to your boat.

The Solution: Consider exploring alternative storage options that include a floating dock or consult the marina to find a solution that prevents damage to your boat.

Remember, addressing these troubleshooting scenarios promptly can help ensure smooth sailing and uninterrupted enjoyment of your boating adventures.

We hope you found this article helpful and that you and your boat have many more enjoyable days on the water. Happy boating! If you ever need an expert’s opinion, be sure to visit Yankee Boating Center’s marina & boat rentals location in Diamond Point, New York.